JAMF Settings for EAP-TTLS Network

To configure RADIUS via EAP-TTLS on JAMF using Foxpass for authentication, you would typically follow these general steps:

Download EAP-TTLS Certificate from Foxpass

  • Go to the RADIUS Servers tab on RADIUS settings page in Foxpass.
  • Download the current certificate of the RADIUS server.
Download certificate

Download certificate

Configure Profile

Tip: Instead of downloading the .mobileconfig file from Foxpass and then uploading it to your MDM, we recommend that you re-create the profile in your MDM.

  • In JAMF, go to Computers > Configuration Profiles > Click 'New'.
  • Name - <e.g. Foxpass EAP-TTLS >
  • Distribution Method - Install Automatically

Configure Certificate

  • Click on 'Certificate' option and then Configure.

Click 'Configure'

Click 'Configure'

  • Certificate Name - Foxpass EAP-TTLS Certificate
  • Select Certificate Option - Upload
  • Upload the previously download certificate.
  • Password - Your choice
  • Click 'Save'

Configure certificate

Configure certificate

Configure Network

  • Go to Network > Configure
Click 'Configure'

Click 'Configure'

  • Network Interface. - Wi-Fi
  • SSID: <Your SSID name; must match exactly including capitalization>
  • Security Type: WPA/WPA2 Enterprise
Configure Wi-Fi

Configure Wi-Fi

  • Protocols - Accepted EAP Types: TTLS
  • Username - $EMAIL
  • Password - Your Foxpass password
  • Inner Authentication: PAP
  • Select 'Trust' under Network Security Settings.
  • Check Foxpass EAP-TTLS Certificate
  • Trusted Server Certificate Names: *.foxpass.com
  • Click 'Save'.