Foxpass Linux L2TP/IPsec setup

This describes how to configure your Linux device to connect to the Foxpass VPN.

Authenticate using XAUTH

We encourage the use of xauth as the authentication method because it supports simultaneous connections to the VPN.

Ubuntu 18.04

In a terminal run the following commands

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install network-manager-l2tp network-manager-l2tp-gnome

Go to the Network section of Settings and add a new VPN connection.
Select L2TP VPN.
Add the Public IP or hostname of the VPN, as well as your Foxpass username and password.
Select IPSEC settings button, add pre-shared key for the VPN, set phase 1 to 3des-sha1, and phase 2to 3des-sha1-modp2048.
Finally, check the PPP settings and make sure that PAP is enabled.

Network Manager can be configured via the command line as well

#!/usr/bin/env bash

nmcli connection add "$CONN_NAME" \
                       con-name "$CONN_NAME" \
                       type VPN \
                       vpn-type l2tp \
                       ifname '' \
                       connection.permissions $USER \
                       connection.autoconnect no \
                       ipv4.method auto \
                       ipv6.method auto \
                       ipv6.addr-gen-mode stable-privacy \
              "gateway = $SERVER_ADDR, ipsec-enabled = yes, ipsec-psk = $PRE_SHARED_KEY, ipsec-esp = 3des-sha1, ipsec-ike = 3des-sha1-modp2048, password-flags = 1, user = $USER"

Debian 9

Update your apt configs to include sid/unstable and then run

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install network-manger-l2tp network-manager-l2tp-gnome

Go to the Network section of Settings and add a new VPN connection.
Select L2TP VPN.
Add the Public IP or hostname of the VPN, as well as your Foxpass username and password.
Select IPSEC settings button, and add pre-shared key for the VPN.
Finally, check the PPP settings and make sure that PAP is enabled.