Using LDAP to sync user/group information into JAMF Casper

(Thanks to John Kitzmiller from the Linde Group)

Foxpass configuration

Log in to your Foxpass account to complete the following steps.

Find your Base DN on your Foxpass Dashboard (https://console.foxpass.com/settings).


Then, create an LDAP Binder account with the name 'Casper' (or something easily identifiable) on the LDAP binders page. Copy/paste the generated password! It is only displayed once.

Casper Configuration

Log in to your Casper JSS server to complete the following steps.

Add an LDAP server to the JSS

  1. Click on the settings icon at the top right.


  1. Click on "System Settings", and then click on "LDAP Servers”.


  1. Enter connection details.


Display Name: (This can be whatever you like, such as Foxpass)

Directory Service: Configure Manually

Server and Port: ldap.foxpass.com 636

Use SSL: Yes

Authentication Type: Simple

Distinguished Username: cn=, (example: cn=Casper,dc=foxpass,dc=com)

Password: Enter the password you recorded when you set up the LDAP Binder account

Connection Timeout: 15 Seconds

Search Timeout: 60 Seconds

Referral Response: Use default from LDAP service

Use Wildcards When Searching: Yes

Configure User Mappings

  1. Click on the “Mappings” tab at the top of the LDAP Server settings window.

  2. Click on the “User Mappings” sub-tab.

  3. Enter the User Mappings connection details.


Object Class Limitation: All ObjectClass Values

Object Class: InetOrgPerson

Search Base: ou=people, (example: ou=people,dc=foxpass,dc=com)

Search Scope: All Subtrees

Username: UID

Real Name: cn

Email Address: mail

Configure User Group Mappings

  1. Click on the “User Group Mappings” sub-tab.

  2. Enter the User Group Mappings details.


Object Class Limitation: All ObjectClass Values

Object Class: posixGroup

Search Base: ou=groups, (example: ou=groups,dc=foxpass,dc=com)

Search Scope: All Subtrees

Group ID: gidNumber

Group Name: cn

Configure User Group Membership Mappings

  1. Click on the “User Group Membership Mappings” sub-tab.

  2. Enter the User Group Membership Mappings connection details.


Membership Location: Group Object

Member User Mapping: memberUid

Use distinguished name of member users when searching: no

Include member user mapping in returning attributes: no

  1. Click “Save”.